Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of occupational and environmental exposure, illness and injury
The Occupational and Environmental Medicine Clinic at Harborview offers comprehensive services for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of occupational and environmental exposures, illness and injury by board-certified occupational medicine physicians. Each patient receives a detailed exposure assessment and comprehensive clinical testing, as needed. This often involves multi-specialty evaluations, guided by the most up-to-date scientific research.
Common conditions we evaluate include breathing problems, such as asthma, asbestosis, silicosis and allergic hypersensitivity; neurological problems, such as parkinsonism, peripheral neuropathy and hearing loss; skin problems, such as eczema and allergic dermatitis; musculoskeletal problems, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, back, neck and shoulder injuries, sprains, strains and tendonitis; and exposures to toxic chemicals such as metals, solvents and pesticides.
We also offer medical screening and monitoring, respirator clearance and regulatory compliance examinations for asbestos, silica, beryllium, hazardous waste, emergency response, as well as impairment ratings, review of independent medical exams, assessment of barriers to return to work and assistance with filing or re-opening a workers' compensation claim and coordination of return to work efforts. We work with employers, workers and others to help prevent work-related illnesses and injuries and to help injured workers quickly and safely return to work and function. We provide educational services about workplace hazards and safety and offer worksite visits as permitted.
Other services include the Healthy Animal Worker Clinic (HAWC), dedicated to the occupational health of animal workers; the Center for Chemically Related Illness (CRI); and the Center for Occupational Health Education (COHE), a program that seeks to minimize work related disability by offering education and training in best occupational health practices to physicians who treat workers with work related injuries.
For children's environmental health issues, families and care providers can obtain educational information and expert clinical evaluations for exposure to harmful environmental toxicants by calling 877.KID.CHEM.